- Strengthens Glutes, Hamstrings, Abdominals and hip extensors.
- Opens up and stretches out the front of the hips.
Start lying on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the mat, hip distance apart.
Arms by your side palms down.
Take a breath in to begin.
As you breathe out, pick your hips off the mat until you lift as high as your shoulder blades.
Breathe in to hold the postition.
As you breathe out, lower back down.
Engage your glutes to help lift the pelvis, keep both feet flat and try pushing through your heels during the lift.
Try to keep your ribs flat against your body.
Only lift as high as the shoulder blades, don’t put your weight on your neck.
If you’re new to pilates or any other form or exercise or are injured, ill or elderly please consult your doctor before starting a new exercise regime.